
Frequently Asked Questions

Finding help for older adults and people with disabilities can be overwhelming. When you call 1-855- 937-2372, it becomes much easier. By making the call, you will talk to a trained professional who will guide you to the right service options to help meet your needs.

Whether you are looking for long-term care services for yourself or someone else, give us a call.

  • You can call for yourself or a family member
  • You can call for a neighbor
  • You can call for a friend
  • You can call for a client you are helping

Even if you don’t need services right now, give us a call to learn about what may be available to you when you need 

Personal Care

Personal care is help with day-to-day activities. It could include bathing, using the toilet or getting dressed. It also can include things like light cleaning and preparing meals or having meals delivered.

Nursing Care

You can have someone come to your home to help with medications, measure blood pressure and blood sugar levels, or to teach you how to do those things. Nursing care also can include help getting medical supplies delivered to your home.

Another part of nursing care is hospice, which focuses on pain relief and support toward the end of life.

Help around the House

Whether you are just getting out of the hospital or are dealing with a new physical limitation, we can help you find people to provide things such as housekeeping and home maintenance services.

If your needs are greater, we can connect you to someone who installs ramps and safety rails or who can remodel your home so you can remain independent.

Help for Family Caregivers

Even the most devoted family members need a break from taking care of someone who is older or who has a disability. This break is called respite.

Whether you need a couple hours away to attend your child’s school function or you have a regularly scheduled appointment to keep, we can help you find someone to stay with your loved one while you are out. Sometimes the temporary caregiver comes to your house, other times you take your loved one to their facility.

Do You Provide Care for Someone?

Do any of these sound like you? If so, you are a family caregiver.

  • Your mom used to live by herself, but she had to move in with you when she was no longer able to manage on her own.
  • Your child with a disability needs continual care, most of which is provided by your family.
  • Your spouse had a stroke, and since he came home from the hospital, he can’t bathe himself or get dressed without help.
  • Your neighbor used to need the occasional help around the house, but you now find yourself cleaning and cooking for her.
  • Many people think of a caregiver as someone who gets paid to take care of another person. But that’s not always the case.


If you are a son, daughter, mother, father, spouse or neighbor – and you help a person who is older or who has a disability — you are a caregiver too. While taking care of your loved one is important to you, it is just as important to take care of yourself and the rest of your family as well. When you are tired and stressed, you probably aren’t providing the best care possible. When you call 1-855-937-2372, a trained professional will guide you to services that can make your role as a family caregiver easier. They can tell you how to find help with personal care, help around the house, nursing services and how you can get a short break.

Long-term care is kind of what it sounds like — services that you will receive for a long time. Sometimes services can be provided in your home. Other times you may get help in a facility, such as a nursing home.

If you are older or have a disability, there may be some things you no longer can do for yourself. Call 1-855- 937-2372 to talk to a trained professional who can start you on the road to getting the services you need.

Long-term care is:

  • Someone to monitor your health or help you take medication
  • Someone to help you bathe, dress or use the bathroom
  • Someone to prepare or deliver meals
  • Someone to help you clean or maintain your home
  • Someone to drive you to doctor appointments
  • Someone to provide a break (also called Respite Care) for the people who care for you

Long-term care is not:

  • Rehabilitation to help you recover from an accident or illness
  • Routine doctor visits
  • Help paying for utilities, such as phone or electricity
  • Help paying for food or rent

How To Contact Us

We understand that finding help for older adults and people with disabilities can be overwhelming. That’s why we have Trained Specialists who will guide you to the right service options to help meet your needs. They are available to assist you Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. If you live within the 23 counties we serve, call the number below and follow the instructions.

Dial 1-855-937-2372

  1. then Press 1
  2. Press 1 again
  3. Enter the ZIP Code of the person receiving care or assistance

After following these easy steps, your call will be transferred to our Trained Information and Referral Specialists who are ready to listen to your concerns and provide you with information for a variety of service providers, including publicly funded and private pay services.

Whether you are looking for long-term care services or supports for yourself or someone else, please give the ADRC number a call.